Galmpton Pre-school Limited (Brixham)

We offer a safe environment with facilities for outdoor experiences in a quiet village location. We provide children with a specially tailored curriculum to approved learning outcomes within the EYFS. Individual care and attention is made possible by a high ratio of adults to children. There are opportunities for families to be directly involved of the group.

Qualifications and training: Our manager has Level 5 Foundation Degree in Early Years, one staff member has an Under Graduate Degree BA (Hons) Child Development and Education, Accredited 2:1 Level 6 Practitioner status. Five members of staff have Level 3 in Child Care in the Early Years. 1 member of staff has level 2 Forest School Training.

Who to contact
Contact name

Tina Canning

Contact position



01803 845547
07967 893342

Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Website :

Where to go

The Institute
Greenway Road

Other Details

£ 6.50 per hour session
£19.50 per 3 hour session
£ 5.50 breakfast club (8-9 am)
£ 11.00 after school club (3-5pm)

Age Ranges

From 2 years 0 months to 5 years 0 months

Related links

Ofsted Inspection Report

Inclusion Provision has
Wheelchair access
Special needs
Dietary needs
Childcare Information
Immediate vacancies

Please contact provider for vacancy details

Funded Places
2 year old funding
3 & 4 year old 30 hour funding
Opening Times

Monday: 8.00 to 17.00
Tuesday: 8.00 to 17.00
Wednesday: 8.00 to 17.00
Thursday: 8.00 to 17.00
Friday: 8.00 to 15.00


Indoor & outdoor play

School Pickups


Ofsted Information
Ofsted URN EY300296

Inspection history
IDate - Inspection Type -  Outcome
12/05/2005: Integrated - Good
22/01/2009: Inspection (Early Years Register) - Good
21/04/2015: Inspection (Early Years Register) - Outstanding
24/04/2022: Inspection (Early Years Register) - Good

Local Offer Age Bands

Early Years (2-5)

SEN Provision Type


SEN Information

A printable version of this form is available in the downloads section.
What special education provision is available at our setting?

Staff at Galmpton Pre-school have many years of experience and training in the following areas:
* Speech and Language Support
* Emotional Difficulties
* Picture Exchange Systems (PECS)
* Makaton.
* Specific Medical conditions, i.e. Asthma, Eczema etc.

We write Individual Learning and Development Plans (ILDP’s) with parents/carers, we work towards shared targets with their children and review the process regularly.

What criteria must be satisfied before children and young people can access this provision/service

Children of 2-5 years are given spaces on availability only.
We welcome all children to our setting and support them with their needs.

How do we identify the particular special educational needs of a child or young person?

* Through information from the registration document, when the child starts attending our setting.
* Through staff observing the child and identifying a need or through parent’s concerns.
* Our SENCo will work with the child’s Key Person and parents/carers to gather evidence by observations and assessments.
* Contact will also be made with other professionals to seek advice.

How do we consult with parents/carers and/or children and young people about their needs?

* Parents are consulted through the SENCo and Key Person developing conversations about their child’s needs and are sign posted to support networks and/or other agencies.
* Parents are invited to Pre-school to discuss their child’s ILDP’s and to talk about the needs and/or requirements and how we can best support the child.
* With parents/carers permissions their child may be visited by outside agencies.
* Messages will be sent on Tapestry as well as individually being fed back to parents/carers by the child’s Key Person.
* The child’s interests are at the centre off planning for activities and equipment to best supports the child’s needs.

What is our approach to teaching children and young people with special educational needs?

We believe in Equal Opportunities and Inclusion for all children and young people. All our children and young people are treated equally. We understand the DFSE Special Educational Needs Code of Practice 2020.
We recognise and value the role of all those involved with your child, including parent(s)/carer(s).
Where special educational needs have been identified we will ensure to the best of our ability that we can provide the appropriate resources to meet the needs of your child.

How can we adapt our curriculum for children and young people with special educational needs?

We seek to make sure that the needs of your child are fully met. We monitor and review how both daily and targeted activities are best working to support your child’s needs.
We liaise with other professionals involved with a child with special educational needs and seek advice about their needs and requirements.
Our staff members working with SEN children are experienced and trained to support the children with a range of activities.
Our activities stemming from the curriculum are set out to support children with special educational needs at an appropriate level. We also offer other resources such as; ipads and sensory experiences.

How will we ensure we get service, provision and equipment that children and young people need?

We plan and implement ILDP’s for children.
We have support from Torbay’s Early Years Advisory Service and other agencies who provide guidance and specialist resources.
We work with;
* Early Years Advisory Service
* Speech and Language Therapy
* Portage
* Educational Psychology Service

How is this provision funded?

We are registered to accept Nursery Education Grant (NEG) which offers funding for 2-5 year olds, which is paid via the Local Authority; parents/carers are entitled to 15 funded hours of childcare a week, for all 3 & 4 year olds and some 2 year old children.
If it is identified that extra support is required beyond what we provide we would apply to the Local Authority for additional funding, which would enable us to provide the appropriate additional provision.

What additional leaning support is available for children and young people with special educational needs and how do they access it?

We work together collaboratively with other agencies to sign post parents to specific educational needs support service their child requires.
If additional support is required for your child, we will seek support from other professionals such as:
* Speech and Language Therapists
* Early Years Advisory Support
* Health Visitors
* Portage
* Social Workers
* Action for Children
* Support groups for your family
We are able to make arrangements with all of these professionals and will help you to engage with their services.

How do we support and improve the emotional and social development of children and young people with special educational needs?

We believe every child needs to know they belong and that they are valued for their unique qualities.
We offer emotional support groups which include elements of the Thrive approach.
We also work in small groups with children, developing social skills and learning opportunities to have social experiences with others.

How do we support children and young people with special educational needs moving between phases of education and preparing for adulthood?

When your child takes their first Transition into our setting, we will do everything that we can to help both you and your child to settle in.
* If your child attends another setting, with your permission, we will liaise with them and share information about your child.
* If other professionals are involved with your child, we will arrange meetings allowing them to visit our setting and liaise with us and share information about your child. At which time ILDP’s can be discussed and set.
* Should your child move from our setting, we will be happy for your child’s Key Person or SENCo to liaise with the new setting to pass on relevant information about our child and to share ILDP’s.
* When your child starts school, we will set up Transition meetings with all agencies involved with your child, the SENCo and new teacher/s at the new school to pass on any relevant information about your child and to share ILDP’s.
* Your new school teacher and SENCo will be invited to come to our setting to see your child and your child will have planned opportunities to visit their new school environment. These will be regular visits and your child will be accompanied by a key member of staff. Your child will be able to familiarise themselves with the school and its practices.
* A Transition document will also be passed on to your child’s new placement, containing valuable information about your child, their development, well-being and their achievements in ‘My Learning and Development’.

What other support is available for children and young people with special educational needs and how can they access it?

We will signpost, encourage and support parent(s)/carer(s) to engage with other support, we will;
* Support parents through regular communication, and suggest a range of services such as: Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Health, Hearing Support Service, Visual Impairment and NHS Bowel and Bladder Service.

What extra-curricular activities are available for children and young people with special educational needs?

We work together to gain knowledge of your child and sign post you to extra curricular activities.

How do we assess and review progress towards agreed outcomes, and how are parents, children and young people involved in this process?

We will provide regular opportunities to talk to parents to inform them of their child’s progress.
Each half term your child’s ILDP’s will be reviewed and new targets and strategies set if necessary. Once a term your child’s ILDP’s will be reviewed with;
* Parent(s)/carer(s)
* Key Person
* Early Years Advisor
* Specialist and/or Support Agencies
Parents are welcome to make an appointment at any time to discuss their child’s progress or any concerns they may have.
Messages can be sent on Tapestry to ensure collaborative working.

How do we assess the effectiveness of our special needs provision and how are parents, children and young people involved in this assessment?

Parents and young people are involved in this assessment by;
* ILDP’s reviews
* Parental views
* Regular Supervision of staff
* Inspection and Complaints
* Staff meetings

How do we ensure that teaching staff and other staff have the expertise needed to support children and young people with special educational needs?

We ensure staff training is current and up to date. We support staff in accessing any training required to support your child.

How do we keep parents informed where children and young people have special educational provision but do not have an Educational Health and Care Plan?

Verbal support will be given at the end of each session your child attends.
Parents/carers are invited to half termly Parent Review meetings, where your child’s;
* Progress and attainments will be reviewed.
* Any worries or concerns can be discussed.
* Strategies will be put in place.
* New ILDP’s set.

How can parents/carers, children and young people make a complaint about our provision?

A copy of our Complaints policy is available for parents/carers to view on our website or please ask for a copy at Pre-school.
Or you can contact Ofsted on 0300 123 1231 to report your concerns.

How can parents/carers, children and young people get more information about our setting?

You may contact us on 01803 845547 or 07967 893342 or by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information
You can visit at our website: our online address is
and you may also visit Ofsted’s website for inspection reports.

We warmly invite you and your child to visit us, please make an appointment by telephone.