Risk assessments around Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Date of Assessment-6th August 2020.
Setting-Galmpton Pre-School.

Changes to the guidance

Early Years and Childcare providers during the Coronavirus (COVID-19)outbreak. Published 24th March 2020. Updated 27th July 2020. DfE www.gov.uk


From 20th July early years settings are no longer required to keep children in small consistent groups within settings but can return to normal size group sizes. Settings should still consider how they can minimise mixing within settings.
In light of the removal of bubbles from 20th July early years settings and local authorities should continue to keep risk assessments for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) our-to-date.
All other protective measures must remain in place.

Safe working in education, childcare and children’s social settings including the use of personal protective equipment. (PPE) updated 21st July 2020.
Wash hands thoroughly.
Ensure good hygiene -Catch it bin it kill it.
Enhanced cleaning
Social distance - later the layout of your setting.
Engage with NHS test and trace process
PPE only needed where there is a suspected case. Gloves apron and fluid resistant surgical face mask.

What care should be taken in Early Years settings?

The use of soft toys and toys with intricate parts or that are otherwise hard to clean should be avoided.
Settings should manage risks by keeping children in small groups and trying, as far as possible to keep the same children and staff members together from day to day.
Settings should consider staggering meal times and should discourage parents from gathering at setting entrances. As far as possible parents and carers should not enter Early Years premises.

Isolation Period

There are changes to the isolation period for those who have Coronavirus symptoms from 7 days to 10 days.

Health and Safety Risk Assessment.



Area of consideration




Make contact with all our families to establish their needs for September. Opening times and hours of operation and availability of spaces.


Only children who are symptom free or who have completed the required isolation period should attend the setting. Any who have been on holiday must complete the quarantine process if the destination they visited is on the list.


Look at how we introduce new families to our setting. Support parents to attend a socially distanced meeting play and chat appointment.


Continue to report the data of numbers to the Local Authority to be passed onto DfE to support the overall national understanding of children attending provision. This will be done weekly.


After the removal of bubbles (20th July)Early years settings for Children with Special Educational Needs and disabilities (SEND) need risk assessments to offer these children support in returning to the setting and provide support with changes to the routines and layout of the room.


Children’s mental health should be taken into account and staff need to recognise that children’s behaviour and emotional and social needs may have worsened as a result of Coronavirus and gaps may have widened with children falling behind due to time missed in educational settings. Staff need narrow the gaps in the child’s learning and welfare and support children’s mental health in focused activities.


Settings should be mindful of parents anxieties about their children returning to an educational setting. Clear messages must be sent out to parents to allay their fears regarding their safety and protective measures.


Physical/social distancing

Early years settings are no longer are required to keep children in small consistent groups ‘bubbles’ so can return to normal group sizes therefore we are opening our setting up to all our children. Numbers will be between 26-30 each day.


All protective measure must remain in place


Toilets must be cleaned regularly and children must wash their hands on arrival and throughout the day. Children must be shown how to use a tissue to wipe their nose and wash their hands independently.


Parents should be encouraged to limit the number of settings their child attends making sure their child only attends the same setting consistently. This should be the same for staff too.


Well-being and education

As a staff team we will be focusing on children’s welfare first and introduce learning opportunities for all. We will be planning for children’s individual needs.


Vulnerable children will be given support transitioning back to Preschool. Risk assessments will be done to help children who need specific help.


Staff will plan for children’s learning needs and on planning sheets offer next steps and targeted support necessary to narrow the gaps in children’s learning.



We have made contact with staff who have not returned to work and offered support to questions and anxieties. Following the guidance will mitigate the risks of coronavirus (COVID-19) to children and staff and help and help to meet the legal duties to protect employees and others from harm.


We will continue to check on staff wellbeing.


Physical distancing

We will consider the number of staff in the building at any one time and that limits will be put in place to ensure careful social distancing. Only 3 members of staff are allowed in the kitchen at any one time.


Staff should only attend the Preschool if they are symptom free and have completed the isolation process.


Staff should consider changing out of their uniform after work and take it home to wash it immediately. It is best practice to not go to the shop or visiting friends without changing their clothes.


Wherever possible staff should avoid physical contact with each other, shaking hands, giving hugs, etc.



Staff members should attend training online, and careful consideration should be given to classroom based learning. This will need to be risk assessed.


Ensure staff follow the guidance set out in ‘Early Years Foundation Stage coronavirus disapplications’ with regard to ensuring appropriate first aid arrangements first.


Emergency revisions to the EYFS have been implemented which provides some flexibility on ratios and qualifications to make this feasible.



Parents are given clear messages through tapestry and text messages explaining measures being taken to ensure the safety of their children and themselves.


If anyone requires a test parents, children and staff must let the Preschool know the results of the test.



Where possible visitors are not permitted into the setting.


Where essential professionals need t come into the setting such as social workers, speech therapists, professionals involved in the delivery of a child’s EHC plan we need to consider whether or not precessional are able to attend in person or whether they can do meetings virtually. If they need to attend in person they need to comply with the protective measures within the setting, and the number of pipelines attending should be kept to a minimum to maintain social distancing.


Parents and carers are not allowed into the setting unless it is essential. Children must be dropped off at the gate. See action plan for returning to school for details.


We have offered a socially distanced meet and greet outside prior to new starters joining in September. This is the best way to meet the children and support their transition.

Hygiene and Health and Safety

System of controls: protective measures.

Settings should ensure that staff understand the ‘system of controls’ and how we apply them to the setting. Time should be taken for staff to read them and ask questions if they’re unsure.


If settings follow the guidance on the ‘systems of control’ they will effectively reduce risks in their setting and create an inherently safer environment. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-early-years-and-childcare-closures/coronavirus-covid-19-early-years-and-childcare-closures


System of controls This is the set of actions we as a setting must take. Prevention: 1. Minimise the contact with individuals who are unwell by ensuring that those who have coronavirus COVID-19 symptoms, or someone in their household who does, do not attend settings.


2. Clean hands thoroughly more often than normal. 3. Ensure good hygiene practices by promoting catch it, bin it, kill it approach. 4. Introduce enhanced cleaning, including cleaning frequently touched areas and surfaces often using bleach as detergents. 5. Minimise contact between groups where possible. 6.When necessary wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE). Numbers 1-4 must be in place at all times. 7. Engage with Test and Trace process. 8.Manage confirmed cases of coronavirus among the setting community. 9. Contain any outbreak by following health protection team advice.


10. Notify Ofsted. Numbers 7-10 must be followed in every case where they are relevant.


Hand washing

Children must wash their hands upon arrival. This will be monitored by a member of staff They will then be required to wash their hands regularly throughout the day, and before and after eating. This will be needed to continue for the foreseeable future. We are building these routines into our settings culture so we ensure that children and those with complex needs understand how to follow them.



Introduce enhanced cleaning. Spray the carpets with anti bacterial spray. Clean frequently touched surfaces with detergents and wash toys after the children have used them. In order to facilitate cleaning we must move certain items for the learning environment. Public Health advice is to remove all soft toys, and toys that are hard to clean. Where practicable remove soft furnishings for example pillows, and bean bags.


We have a cleaning schedule in place that documents when the toilets have been cleaned throughout the day and the kitchen and items in the main room. This will ensure cleaning is enhanced and that there are clear procedures for cleaning within the setting. Ensure that there are clear procedures for maintaining cleansing processes for food preparation areas, dining areas and table coverings. PHE have published revised guidance for cleansing and non-healthcare settings to advice on general cleaning required in addition to the current guidance advice on COVID-19: cleaning of non-healthcare settings guidance.


Ensure good


Public Transport

Anyone staff travelling by public transport must change into their uniform at work and wash hands thoroughly upon arrival. They must wear a mask on the journey.


Risk assessments around COVID 19.
Date of assessment -19th May 2020 and adapted 25th May 2020.
Setting-Galmpton Pre-school.

The return to school risk assessment is based on the principles with the DfE guidance Coronavirus (COVID 19) implementing protective measures in education and childcare settings (12th May 2020)
DfE guidance planning guide for Early years and childcare settings. (24th May 2020)

How will we mitigate the risk to make the Pre-school as safe as possible?

No Pre-school can guarantee total safety against COVID 19 particularly as socially distancing is virtually impossible with very young children, however by following government guidelines around health and anti-infection procedures, we can be made safer and more secure to reduce risk to a level that we believe is acceptable for children, families and staff.

The offer of sessions provided.

Galmpton Pre-school will open for the 2nd June 2020 as long as the government 5 targets are met and the science says it’s safe to do so.
We will do their best to offer sessions to children where possible. Numbers will be reduced in line with government guidelines for schools and educational settings.

We are currently working with the premise of no shared care between other settings, so that children aren’t mixing in different groups.
We have looked at our SEN and vulnerable children and how we can meet some of their needs providing some provision but not the full offer.
All staff on site will be Paediatric First Aid trained. There will also be a named Deputy on site ‘Tracey Davies’ as well as Designated Lead ‘Jane Podschies.’

Schools and employers are required to assess the risks associated with Covid 19 and implement preventative measures outlined in Government guidance, The risk assessment will supplement any existing risk assessments in educational settings.
The return to school Risk Assessment is based on the principles and guidance contained within the DfE Guidance : Coronavirus (COVID 19) implementing measures in education and child care settings (12th May 2020)

Changes to the building 2

We have looked at the building and general risk and ensured control measures remain in place. We have included the risks to include hand washing, and one way systems, as well as shared bathrooms. Each bubble of children will use one specific bathroom every time they need to.
We will be splitting the outside space into two areas each bubble of children will be able to access each half of the playground with a range of activities and the equipment will be shared out between each group.

First Aid 6

Every member of staff on site will be Paediatric first aid trained.
We will communicate First Aid arrangements during daily briefings.
Stopping transmitting of coronavirus is the highest priority in our setting and staff are aware of the signs.
The way that we will handle coronavirus in the setting is explained below.

Fire Procedures 3

We have looked at our fire procedures and have decided to move our evacuation point to Galmpton Village Pub carpark as we can’t use the Primary school and to ensure that Social Distancing guidelines are being met. As part of monitoring our regimes will be checking alarms and extinguishers on June 1st.
When we are open we will prop open the doors where necessary to reduce hand contact and aid ventilation.

Water Hygiene 4

We have looked at water management. Our setting has been closed for the last 10 weeks so we will be flushing and disinfecting the area prior to occupation as per government publications.
Http:/www.gov.uk/government publications/managing -school-premesis-during-the -coronavirus-outbreak/managing-school-premesis-which-are-partially-open-during-the-Coronavirus-outbreak.

Management of waste 8

We will ensure that bins are emptied throughout the day.
We will follow the guidance on disposal of waste

Hand washing practice with children. 1

Hand washing practice with children- We have reviewed the guidance on hand cleaning and hand washing. We will help children by having an adult available at all times to support hand washing and hygiene. See guidance
Toilets being overcrowded 1
Toilets will be selected for each specific bubble of children and will not be overcrowded.

Children with EHCP 1,2

A risk assessment will be completed by SENCO in relation to children who have addiction needs.
Regarding pupils unable to follow the guidance we have ensured that the individual children have 1:1 support. Some children will need additional support to follow the new measures opportunities will be given for these children.

The risk to Children is low to medium. 1

It is virtually impossible for children to social distance so to mitigate against this we have planned a number of contingencies.
Children will be kept in ‘bubbles’ (small groups) and will stay where possible with the same group of children and the same adult each session.
Children will sit 4 to a table with two metres in between them for lunch and other activities. Carpets will be replaced with rubber spots and children will sit on them for circle time and story time two metres apart. These can be wiped down after use.
Government guidelines for schools and educational settings recommend the use of the outdoor environment to create a safer space for children to access activities as much as possible. So we will be using outside splitting the playground into two for ‘bubbles of children’ to access the physical environment.
Children will be required to wash their hands upon entering the Pre-school and before leaving. We will ensure direct adult supervision and that children wash their hands for twenty seconds. They will be supported to wash their hands using liquid hand soap regularly throughout the day.
If a child falls and injuries themselves then staff will wear PPE to clean up the child’s injuries.
Following the government guidelines if a child has any symptoms of illness including cough, cold, and a temperature, and diarrhoea then the child must stay at home.
If a child is taken ill in the setting any waste used (objects which are visibly contaminated including tissues and cloths) will be double bagged and stored for 72 hours and then thrown away.
Children who have symptoms of the virus at Pre-school and are awaiting collection will be moved to a room where they can be isolated behind a closed door with appropriate adult supervision. A window will be opened for ventilation.
Staggered drop off and pick ups will be used to reduce the number of people accessing the playground. Parents will be given a slot when the can drop their child off, and collect them. We are encouraging only one parent to drop off or collect to reduce the number of people gathering around the gate.

The risk to staff is low to medium. 1

We will be running a low ratio of staff.
Staff will be washing their hands thoroughly throughout the day.
Staff will keep gloves in their pockets at all times to keep safe and be ready to deal with any spillages or contaminated fluids.
Staff will be social distancing from children where possible and from each other.
Long hair will be tied up and PPE will be worn when necessary. For example when nappy changing and dealing with injuries, or a sick child.
No more than two members of staff will be allowed in the kitchen at one time.
Staff will be giving short breaks to have lunch and take a comfort break.
Staff will remove their uniforms at home and wash them each night before returning to work the next day.
Staff will be required to clean equipment and toys that the children have used. Dettol sprays and wipes as well as bleach will be used. These will be kept locked in the kitchen cupboards.
Staff will clean sinks and toilets after each child has used them and will supervise children in the toilet one at a time.
Staff on site will all be First Aid trained.

Anxiety levels of staff causing breakdown in staffing ratios, comprising group sizes. 2
Talk to staff where possible the plans (for example safety measures, timetable changes and staggered arrivals and departure times) including discussing whether training would be helpful.
Staff will be supported if they are feeling in any way anxious about returning to work and will be offered the opportunity to talk through anything that is worrying them.
Testing arrangements are clear for all staff 1
Access to testing is already available to all essential key workers

Staff who are vulnerable/shielding family member with underlying health conditions. 1
Guidance on shielding and protecting extremely vulnerable persons http//:www.gove.uk/government/publications/guidance-on-shielding-and-protecting-extremely-vulnerable-persons-from-covid-19 and clinically vulnerable people.
Staff will be protect themselves by reduced contact with children (2metres) particularly children who are unable to socially distance.

The risk of use of equipment and resources is low to medium. 1

This will be managed by the following :
Children will be given their own tray with pens and glue and other resources to be used individually by them to mitigate against cross infection as children put them in their mouths.
There will be no malleable play sand, water, play doh, clay, paint, to reduce the risk of cross contamination.
Tables and chairs will be cleaned regularly.
Soft furnishings will be removed including cushions, sofas, soft toys, and dressing up.
Children will not be required to bring show and tell or things from home. They can bring their own lunch box as it contains their own food, which will not be shared by others.

Entrance to the school gate and building. 1

[if gte mso 9]> <![endif] We will be doing staggered drop off and pick up times to avoid large groups of people gathering around the gate or playground, so not to compromise social distancing. We will make clear to parents they must stick to their times, and telephone if they cannot meet them and an alternative time will be arranged. Children will be handed over at the door without the parents entering the building. We have suggested where possible only one parent drops off and picks up and no other other family members attend.

Risk score and description
Action plan for opening Pre-school.

Our plans are based on the DfE Government guidelines ‘Planning guide for Early years and childcare settings.’ Published 24th May 2020

Our plan is to open our setting three full days Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 8-3.30.
The numbers of children has been reduced in line with government requirements. We will have 11 children staggered over three days.
Staff are reduced to four members of staff. The rest being furloughed.
Children will be doing staggered start times and drop off times giving each parent and child time to chat at the door and pass on relevant information.

Before return to Pre-school.

Risk assessments have been carried out and an action plan put in place.
Staff have been reading the guidance set out by the government on COVID 19
Cleaning products and PPE have been collated.


Children will come in and wash their hands on arrival. Children will be offered breakfast if they want it. The maximum number of children who may require breakfast is three.
Once all children have arrived we will have a circle time where children will sit on coloured rubber spots two metres apart. We will take the attendance register and have a story together. (9.30) The coloured spots will be wiped down with antibacterial spray after use.
The children will then be split into two groups and will access their daily activities. One member of staff will take each group for supervision. Where possible the same adult will remain with the same group of children each day. We may use the outdoor space to play weather permitting.
We will be providing a mid morning snack and drink where children sit at the table two metres apart. Using two tables pushed together children will be sat four to a table spaced out. They will have their name on their own space to reduce any transmission of disease or germs. (10.45)
After snack time we will have outside play and split the children into two groups. The playground will be split in half creating two areas for investigation and exploration. (11)
We will then have singing time (11.45)
Then we will be washing hands for lunch. We will be encouraging children to sing the wash your dirty hands song which supports them to wash their hands for at least twenty seconds.
After lunch we will be playing outside until registration time at (1.15)Then we will sit back on our rubber mats and share a story.
The children will then be split into two groups again and play with the toys and activities. (1.30-2.30) and start to pack away near to pick up time.
The children will then watch a DVD while waiting to be collected. (Between 2.45-3.15)

Our vulnerable children will be provided for by regular sessions and direct observations. Our children of critical key workers who require provision will also be provided for. Our SEN child will be given one to one support to access his activities. We will be offering reduced provision to support his needs while protecting staff and other children in the setting.

We currently use the term ‘reasonable endeavours’ regarding the learning and development and welfare requirements and the number of staff present in the setting. However ‘Best endeavours’ is a higher level requirement used to ensure Paediatric First Aid measures and will now take priority over areas of EYFS framework during this pandemic.

What will children learn and how to adapt the EYFS?

We will help children in our care to adapt to their new routines and help them settle back into Pre-school. We will support children in an age appropriate way in how to keep themselves safe including hand washing and disposing of tissues through songs and repetition. We will help them understand words like ‘germs’ and ‘virus’ and how they can keep themselves healthy.
Our focus will be on Early language skills, and children developing language opportunities.
We will also be providing exercise for all particularly those children who have had limited opportunities to exercise during lockdown.
For those children who aren’t returning to Preschool we will be providing online stories and songs as well as suggesting parents access ‘Hungry Little Minds’ campaign and ‘BBC’s Tiny Happy People’ to support home learning.

Assessor and manager declarations

I confirm that this assessment has been completed using all available materials, publications or guidance documentation available, and is an accurate reflection of the activity or equipment being assessed.
Name of assessor- Claire Greaves Manager
Name of others involved with assessment- Tracey Davies and Jane Podschies.

Galmpton Pre-school.

Date of Assessment: 6th September 2021                     Assessed by:  Claire Greaves

Benefits  Children being able to return to a routine and see friends, increase mental health and be educated by Professionals /Teachers. Parents are able to work. 

What is being


What hazards

may be present 

What degree

of risk could

be reasonably


What precautions have been put in place to reduce the risk 


likelihood is

there of risk

still occurring

What is the

risk rating


 Children Drop Off High  * Families to be issued with staggered times to drop off/collect. Social distancing to be adhered to at all times.
* Advise parents to stick to the same person dropping and collecting and they must be following the government guidelines.
* Children should be wearing freshly cleaned clothes each day.
* Parents to drop and pick up the children at the gate. Parents are to demonstrate social distancing at all times. A member of staff will be at the gate to welcome children and take bags and  lunchboxes into the setting.
* Only children who are symptom free or have completed the required isolation period attend the setting.
* On arrival at the Pre-school, it is reasonable to ask if parents, children or any member of the household have any of the symptoms of COVID-19 (high temperature or a persistent cough). If the answer is yes, they should not be allowed to leave their child at the setting. The child cannot return until 10 days and a negative test result has been confirmed and agreed return with preschool or current isolation guidelines followed.
* Where possible no toys, teddy’s or blankets (or similar) to be brought in from home.
* When entering the setting children are taken to wash their hands thoroughly. They will also do this before eating and after using the toilet.
* Encourage children to avoid touching their face, eyes, nose and mouth.
* All children coming to the setting should avoid all non-essential public transport travel, and outside of setting hours, follow national guidelines for social interaction.
* Any child who has been told to shield or who is clinically vulnerable or live in a household with someone who has been advised to shield or is clinically vulnerable cannot attend the setting.
* Any child who displays signs of a cold/fever will not be allowed in preschool until 10  days after symptoms have ended and a negative test result.
* Children taking time to settle after prolonged break and change in routine.
* Only parents who are symptom free and or have completed the required isolation periods will be able to drop off or collect their child.
* Aim to limit drop off and pick up to 1 adult per family and stagger the timings where possible.
* All measures should be taken to minimise contact between the parent and other children and staff members. If parents have questions they should email them.
 Med Med


Wellbeing and


High  * Children should be supported in developmentally appropriate ways to understand the steps they can take to keep themselves safe including regular hand washing and sneezing into a tissue.
* Children should be supported to understand the changes and challenges they may be encountering as a result of COVID-19 and staff need to ensure they are aware of children’s attachments and their need for emotional support at this time.
 High High
 Children  Toileting and cleaning up of accidents.  Med * Handouts for parents to practise self care at home
* Children should be supported to do as much for themselves as possible.
* Limit number of children using sinks, queue to be in cloakroom or classroom to allow for more space.
* If an accident happens whilst it is dealt with no one else should use the bathroom.
* Once the child has been changed then the bathroom should be cleaned and disinfected using standard cleaning products before being used by anyone else.
 Med Med
 Children  If a child starts displaying symptoms – Cough, fever, lack of taste or smell  High  * If a child begins displaying a continuous cough or a high temperature or lack of taste or smell, they should be sent home to isolate per the guidelines – 14 days.  
* A child awaiting collection should be moved to a room where they can be isolated behind a closed door with a staff member wearing PPE. If it is not possible to isolate them move them to an area which is at least 2 metres away from other people. A window should be opened for ventilation.
If they need to go to the bathroom while waiting to be collected, the bathroom should be cleaned and disinfected using standard cleaning products before being used by anyone else.
* If a member of staff has helped someone who displayed symptoms they do not need to go home unless they develop symptoms themselves. They should wash their hands thoroughly for 20 seconds after any contact with someone who is unwell.

If clinical advice is needed, the setting staff, parent or guardian should go online to NHS 111 (or call 111 if they don’t have internet access)
 High High
 Workforce  Attendance Med  * Staff should only attend if they are symptom free (no cough, fever or loss of smell and taste) or they have completed the required isolation period.
* Risk assessing with regular health questionnaires for returning staff.
* Consideration should be given to limiting the number of staff in at any one time to only those required to care for the expected occupancy levels on any given day.
* All staff coming to the setting should avoid all non-essential public transport travel and outside of setting hours, should minimise social interactions, as per the national guidelines.
* Practitioners should receive clear communication regarding the role they play in safe operating procedure and all measures being taken to ensure the safety of the  children and themselves.
* Any vulnerable or shielding staff will continue to stay at home and work or furlough.
 Med Med
 Workforce  Entry Med  * Staff must wear freshly washed clothes each day
* Staff must wash hands on arrival
 Med  Med

 Food Preparation,

snack and lunches

Med  * Be mindful of the number of bubbles in food area. 1 bubble at a time.
* 6 people per table.
* Spread tables out.
* Staff and Children MUST wash hands before prep or eating,
* Staff and children MUST wash hands after eating.
* Adults to handle eaten food as little as possible.
* Children and adults to be responsible for their own food rubbish.
* Ask parents to send food that children can open
 High Med



 High  * Wherever possible, staff should remain with the small group of children, the “bubble” of children who they are allocated to and not come into contact with other groups.
* Social distancing must be maintained during breaks.
* Staff members should avoid physical contact with each other including handshakes, hugs etc.
Where possible, meetings and training sessions should be conducted through virtual conferencing.
 High High
 Parents  Visits  Low  * Attendance to the setting should be restricted to children and staff as far as practically possible and visitors should not be permitted to the pre-school unless essential (e.g. essential building maintenance).
* Where essential visits are required these should be made outside.
* All committee involvement, should be conducted via virtual conferencing such as zoom.
* New family show rounds should be done virtually outside of preschool hours.
* Home visits by zoom

Undertake regular


High  * Clean AND disinfect frequently touched surfaces throughout the day with diluted bleach or milton.
* This includes tables, chairs, resources, equipment, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, toilets, taps, and sinks.
* Wear one pair of disposable gloves for cleaning and dispose of immediately after cleaning.
* Using a disposable cloth, first clean hard surfaces with warm soapy water, then disinfect these surfaces with the cleaning products you normally use.
* Wash hands regularly with soap and water for 20 seconds, and after removing gloves, aprons and other protection used while cleaning.
* Regularly clean electronics, such as tablets, touch screens, keyboards, telephones and remote controls throughout the day.
* Waste from possible cases and cleaning of areas where possible cases have been, should be double bagged and put in a suitable and secure place, marked for storage until:
1) the individual tests negative; waste can then be put in with the normal waste
the individual tests positive or results not known; then store it for at least 72 hours and put in with the normal waste
 High High
