POPS is a group of Galmpton Pre-school parents who meet informally once every half term at the Manor Inn Pub, to arrange different fundraising events to raise money for the benefit of the children at the Pre-school. All money raised from the events pays for equipment and items that the children use on a daily basis at the Pre-school. We always need parents to help organise events, fundraising is vital to the continuation of the Pre-school. Please come to our very informal meeting and help fundraise for the Pre-school. Even if you don't want to join us, you can just attend the meetings or just let Tracey know how you would like to help at a future event. We are extremely grateful for any assistance that any parent can give, e.g. baking a cake, serving refreshments, managing a stall, designing a poster,donating a raffle prize, even if it is only once it is very much appreciated and assists us greatly. You can volunteer to take on a small task or help arrange the whole event, the more of us there the less we each have to do - we simply need the help. POPS organise the events at Halloween, Christmas, Easter, Summer fun days, discos, parents nights out and all the activities that the children do in between.