Below are our curriculum plans explaining what we want our children to learn, and the pedagogy including strategies for learning to take place.
Our Intent for learning in PSED
‘Children achieve a positive sense of self’
We seek to promote positive interactions for children through shared experiences and activities.
Implementation – How
Impact for Learning
Our Intent for learning - Communication and Language - CL
‘Children become strong and confident communicators.’
Implementation - How
Impact for Learning
‘Children are learning physical challenge, and confident in making good choices.’
Implementation - How
Impact for Learning
Our Intent for Learning in Literacy
Implementation - How
Impact of Learning
Out Intent for Learning - Mathematics.
Implementation - How
Impact for Learning
Our Intent for learning - Understanding the World - UW
Implementation - How
Impact for Learning
Our Intent for learning in EAD
‘Children are creative and construct with a purpose’
As a setting we understand that children will come to us with different experiences in play. We will support and provide learning opportunities ensuring that cultural capital is reflected in success in our children’s future development and education.
Providing children with the skills and knowledge to improve their life chances is essential, and by narrowing the gap in children’s development we seek to achieve a strong early start in educational experiences for our children.
As practitioners our role is to help the children experience the Awe and Wonder of the world in which they live. This is achieved through the seven areas of learning. In this document each of the seven areas of learning is split into three sections. Our intent for learning, the implementation, and the impact on children in the setting.
Supporting children’s moral, spiritual and social development, linking to the British Values.
We want them to learn independence and confidence in themselves and their own abilities.
We seek to help children to develop good negotiating skills in building relationships with their peers and to be able to know how best to deal with conflict.
To create an environment where children’s self esteem and sense of achievement are nurtured and developed.
Ensure that children have the opportunity to learn to develop skills, such as turn taking and sharing and that there is opportunity for daily practice of this.
We want children to understand and co-operate with boundaries and rules of the setting, supporting and modelling positive behaviour.
We want to encourage children to talk about their feelings, and emotions and support them to share thoughts and experiences.
Our Intent for learning - Physical Development - PD
‘Children are able to demonstrate competencies in phonics’
‘Children are enabled to be confident with numbers.’
‘Children seek knowledge in their natural environment.’
Impact for Learning